India has been listed among the top ten countries in the world to be the best destination for the cross-country travel index. It’s the news to be proud of as an Indian, that the world is seeing our country as a wonderful place to visit. The survey was organized by ‘Holidu’ the famous vacation homes gatherer. The survey was conducted for 118 countries, among which India was placed among the top ten. There are a variety of factors that are analyzed to rank the countries. The point of view of this survey was to think from the traveller’s point of view and analyze what are the factors they look at in the country to visit.
The analyzing factors were natural beauties, a variety of landscapes, Wildlife, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and the number of multiracial cities. Some other logical factors are also kept in mind to rank the countries, which are the standard quality of roads, fuel prices, and holiday rental expenses. “Holidu”, said they also examined the size of the country in which the travellers will get the variety of places to visit.
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In the cross country road trips travel index India was placed at 10th position, whereas the first position is occupied by the United States. In second position Mexico was placed and the third sport was held by Canada. Malaysia was recognized to be in the fourth spot, Argentina placed in the fifth position. For the rest positions, Brazil was seventh, Bolivia eighth, and Peru secured the ninth position.
There were some supporting factors also that are kept in mind to arrange the worldwide Cross Country Travel Index. These factors include natural asset ranks, the number of animal species to view, beautiful terrains like jungles, mountains, deserts, and beaches. The price of meals, beverages, rental homes, and rental vehicles are also analyzed to rank countries. These factors are included to view the affordability rate of the country.