We all receive 100s of messages on a daily basis that lure us with banking, shopping and many such offers. While some messages among these are genuine, others, on the other hand, a mere fraud.

So to help you find the difference between a genuine text from your bank and a fraud one, ICICI Bank has shared three tips. And here are those:
Type 1 from sender BP-BeanYTM: Your KYC has been successfully updated. You are now eligible for a cashback of Rs 1,300. Claim your cashback visit, http://311agtr
ICICI says: KYC never ever earns you rewards of any kind. The bank also adds that the link in the message looks fake to.

Type 2 from sender Y-Cash: Congratulations, your account has been credited with Rs 33,000. Please fill in your details at http://i2urewards.cc/33 to process it.
ICICI claims: that no company will ever offer you such high amounts of cash. Maybe it could offer points for shopping in a wallet or something but never cash.
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Type 3 from sender [email protected]: Your IT Refund has been initiated. Today is the last day to claim it. Visit http://itr.trn./toref
ICICI Bank: Note the questionable sender ID. See how they are faking urgency.

Besides ICICI, the State Bank of India has also shared guidelines one must keep in mind to keep themselves safe from financial frauds.
- Always cover the keypad when entering the SBI ATM pin at the ATM or POS Machine.
- Never share your SBI pin/card details with anyone.
- Don’t write the SBI pin on your card.
- Do not respond to text messages, emails, or calls asking for your pin or card details.
- Bar away from using your birth date or phone number as your pin.
- Dispose of or safely put away your transaction receipts.
- Look for spy cameras at ATMs.
- Beware of keypad manipulations while using the ATM or POS machine.
- Make sure to sign up for SBI online transaction alerts.
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If you ever feel the need to file a banking fraud complaint, all you need to do is visit Cyber Crime Portal (https://cybercrime.gov.in/) and click on ‘Report other Cyber Crime’ and then ‘File a complaint’ option.